sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009


When was the last time the whole audience inside the theater clap, sigh or shout out of excitement on every scene in a movie?

For me, Twilight and New Moon was the first time. And even if I personally read all the books and watched both movies (twice each) I'm still amazed by the power of this.

Join us analyzing why a trite love story has become such a success.

Thanks to Adriana, Angelica G, Angelica H and Mariana for be part of this!

Hablar del fenomeno fue muy divertido, hubieron algunos opiniones que nos ayudaron a explicarnos su exito.

LECTURA POPULAR Y SENCILLA DE DIGERIR Consideramos la obra extremadamente sencilla agil y que encaja completamente en el gusto popular pues no se trata de un libro que requiera mas habilidad ni conocimientos tecnicos mas que el saber leer. Es la misma sencillez y extension de la historia la que logra que al menos en una parte del libro si no es que en mas, el lector se sienta identficado y parte de la misma.

EVASION DE LA REALIDAD En un mundo plagado de realidades virtuales en la que los video juegos, FaceBook y demas actividades virtuales son la regla y no la excepción, la porcion de la poblacion a la que esta dirigido el producto esta avido de salir de la realidad, por lo cual la historia trillada de amor se vuelve irresistible cuando nos proyectamos en seres de fantasia que soñariamos ser.

EXCELENTE TRABAJO DE MERCADOTECNIA Es de resaltar el excelente trabajo de Mercadotecnia que ha inundado todo espacio posible con sus imagenes, libros y demas mercancias que por inutil que parezcan, la oferta justifica la demanda les suena conocido?

DATO CURIOSO Incluso creemos que el personaje Edward Cullen personificado por (Robert Pattinson) fue maestraelmente resucitado mientras todavia lamentabamos su muerte en Harry Potter 5 "The Globet of fire"

SIN EMBARGO... Hace un rato encontre un amigo que me dijo un motivo mas que no tomamos cuenta en la junta del dia de ayer, que a todos nos gustan las historia de amor y los finales felices. Bueno a casi todos pero en este momento podemos prescindir de la opinión de los amargados.

El tema queda temporalmente extenuado, podemos pasar a otra cosa

Spending the evening trying to explain what's behind TWLIGHT SUCCESS was so much fun. Below are some key points that were rescued from last night.

EASY-READING-BOOK Considering this work for general readers, because is easy and agil of reading wich allows huge amounts of people to feel confident enough to enjoy it. Also there is no specific reading skills or technical knowledge needed besides of... knowing how to read. And is precisely this simplicity that allows the reader to feel identified with the story.

REALITY AVOIDANCE In times of virtual-reality where videogames, Facebook and other virtual activities are the rule, the target population (I mean we) is beyond happiness of getting out of ordinary life. That's why we believe that even the tritest love story becomes irresistible when our characters are so out of this world.

EXCELENT MARKETING Worth recognizing an excellent marketing work letting us surrended and flooded by all what we could consume about Twilight. When even the worthless merchandise gets justify by demanding consumers. Supply and demand sound familiar?

FUNNY FACT We also believe that the main character Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) was wisely resuscitated while his memory from Harry Potter 5 "The Globet of fire" was still dearly remembered.

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST I just met a friend today and he added something important we missed... that all main actors are good looking people (nothing to say about acting skills) and that we all love love stories, because we all believe in true love. Which is right, who doesn't like happy endings? (Bitter ones please refrain of voting!)

Case temporarily closed... let's talk about something else.

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